In January 2024, we conducted a workshop on ADCP flow measurement at…
Category: Geen categorie (page 2)
Contemporary paradoxes in water resources management
A paradox is a seemingly contradictory proposition that yet is perhaps true.…
Allan Savory on managing complex systems
Allan Savory delivered the 2020 Tony Coote Memorial lecture for the Mulloon…
The Australian monsoon anno 6000 BC
In my previous post, I discussed a webinar by Walter Jehne “Restoring…
Landscape management practices that cool the climate
In a webinar from 2019 “Restoring the water cycle to cool the…
Models in a world of uncertainty
When faced with a complex water resources challenge, a typical reflex is…
A fast and frugal heuristic in water resources management
Years ago, I read a book by Gerd Gigerenzer called “Simple heuristics…
De Schie—a story about the longevity of water infrastructure
In my last post, I asserted that many river basins—specifically in the…
No-Regret Measures
Water scarcity is in the news this summer. With temperatures breaking global…
A roadmap to defensible streamflow data
The concept of defensible water data adds a new dimension to hydro-monitoring.…